Citizen boards are responsible for meeting the needs of the public by informing residents, listening to their views and engaging constituents.

Westchester County Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board
The board comprises nine members who are appointed by the County Executive for a term of one, two or three years. They are selected to represent the public interest in the area of parks, recreation and conservation. A representative of the county legislature serves as liaison to the board and the county commissioners of parks, public works and planning serve as non-voting ex-officio members. The legislative liaison to the board has voting powers.

As required by county charter, the parks board has the responsibility to develop and recommend programs and approve plans for parks and open space development. In addition, all matters of regulation, use, fees and charges require board approval.

All inquiries to the board can be made by contacting the central parks office at (914) 231-4500.

Members are:

  • Pamela Dubitsky, Chair
  • Debra Clay
  • Sobeida Cruz
  • Charlene Indelicato, Vice Chair
  • Martin Kamarck
  • J. Henry Neale, Jr.
  • Vishnu Patel
  • Marty Rogowsky
  • Joel Seligman
  • Hon. Benjamin Boykin, Board of Legislators liaison
  • Richard Greco, Jr., emeritus
  • Lorraine Palais, emeritus
  • Jerome Valenti, emeritus
  • Larry Wilson, emeritus
  • Blanca Lopez, Commissioner, Planning, ex officio
  • Hugh Greechan, Commissioner, DPW, ex officio
  • Kathleen O'Connor, Commissioner, PRC, ex officio
  • Peter Tartaglia, First Deputy Commissioner, PRC, ex officio
  • William Bland, Deputy Commissioner, PRC, ex officio
  • Judith Allen, Executive Assistant, PRC, ex officio